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Keeping You COOL For Over 27 Years


Located at 3725 Commercial Way, Spring Hill, FL 34606
Located at 3725 Commercial Way
Spring Hill, FL 34606

Get a Safe and Healthy Home With a
Whole House Health & Comfort Checkup

Let Us Inspect Your Home's Indoor Air Quality

It's a good idea to get your home's indoor air quality evaluated by the professionals at Seabreeze. Let us conduct a Whole House Health and Comfort Checkup to identify any potential problems and address them immediately!

We'll thoroughly evaluate all the comfort systems in your home by performing advanced diagnostic tests and inspections. You'll get a list of recommended improvements once we're done with the complete checkup. To learn more about the Whole House Health and Comfort Checkup, you can give us a call at 352-686-4899.
A room with a green chair and a red exit sign

The Whole House Health and Comfort Checkup Process

Initial consultation
The process starts with an initial interview with a Comfort and Indoor Air Quality consultant. If you feel your home needs to be dusted frequently or the air conditioning system makes a certain room feel clammy, let us know. Once we understand how you feel about your home's indoor air quality, we'll proceed with the inspection.

Equipment inspection
We begin the inspection by visually evaluating your cooling and heating equipment for any signs of deterioration, improper installation, or insufficient maintenance. You can also expect us to examine your system's air filtration and purification efficiency.

Insulation inspection
The consultant will visually inspect insulation levels in your home and check to see if they meet the recommended levels. You can also count on us to look for hidden defects and check the attic ventilation levels.

Air leakage evaluation
Once the Infiltrometer Blower Door test is conducted, the consultant will be able to locate where the worst air leaks are situated and what improvements can be made.

Airflow diagnosis
The consultant will conduct "static pressure" tests to check if there are any hidden blockages or design problems with your air duct system. This test is like a blood pressure check for your ducts.

Personalized improvement plan
The consultant will explain the results to you once the inspections and tests are complete. You'll also receive a prioritized plan of recommended improvements. 

This checkup is designed to improve indoor temperature and humidity, reduce indoor air impurities, and lower operating costs so that you can save money on your utility and repair bills. Our technicians are highly trained and have learned the Complete Home Comfort Checkup process at the Comfort Institute to ensure your system is effective and fully functional.
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"I wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you how pleased my wife Sue and I are with your company’s quality of service. We’ve had you install a new unit to replace a storm damaged one and we use your company on our semi-annual check-ups for continued top performance of our HVAC systems. Every time I’ve encountered one of your technicians I have come away with a comfortable feeling that I have selected the best air conditioning and heating company in the area. Thank you for creating a company that is technically capable with every aspect of the ever changing technology in your business and coupled it with an installation and service crew that is informative and pleasant to have at our house."

- John Edwards
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