Hi, we're Seabreeze Air Conditioning & Heating,
a local, family owned and operated business that has been providing air conditioning & heating services to Hernando County, Florida and the surrounding areas for over 20 years. We like fixing air conditioners. It's kind of our thing. And we take great pride in doing the right way.
Does YOUR air conditioner need fixed? We'd love to help. Want to replace it? We can do that too. Just want someone to take a look at it and tell you it's working great or maybe give you a heads up on potential problems before the heat of summer hits and your unit gives up? Yeah, we do that. We will never try to sell you something that you don't need, whether that be a repair, an upgrade, or a new system. We just don't work that way. We like to give you options. Before anything is done we give you a diagnosis and a list of recommended repairs and the cost associated with them up front. You decide if you want to move forward.
We also look at air conditioning a little differently than most companies. Sometimes, your equipment may be doing everything that it's supposed to be doing but you still aren't comfortable in your home. We like to take a look at your house and see if there is something about it that is keeping your system from making you comfortable. From a visual examination all the way to testing with computer programs and equipment to evaluate infiltration, duct and pressure problems, we have education and experience in finding solutions to problems that can't be fixed by just looking at the air conditioning & heating equipment.
Besides air conditioning & heating, we offer once-a-year filtration options, blown in attic insulation, dryer vent cleaning and more.
We also offer an inexpensive service agreement that can save you money on repairs and / or a new system installation and provide you with piece of mind for years to come that your a/c needs are in the hands of an honest, fair and prompt local company.
Feel free to contact us about any of our services or just to ask us some questions. We'd love to welcome you as part of the Seabreeze family.